Today will be 22 years. Over two decades from the day my father left us and never returned. It has been 22 years since Burt Kaplan decided to play God or atleast play the angel of death. 22 years since 2 NYC cops decided that their lust for money was more important than their badge. My cousin was born a week after my father was murdered and just last week he got married. That is what can happen in 22 years. It took almost two decades for this crime to be solved and yet here we are, 22 years later, waiting…

We are waiting for the appeals decision. The court is taking their time. We are waiting for justice to be served through the city who was responsible for hiring those thugs. We are waiting for compensation for all that we lost that we can never get back. We are waiting for a day when this can all truly be in the past. We are waiting….

But at least we have a grave after 22 years. At least we know the truth after 22 years. We are grateful to God for at least that..